Old Projects
Hi! I'm a PhD student at the University of Washington, advised by Ali Farhadi and Hannaneh Hajishirzi. Previously, I worked at Google Research. My research interests broadly include Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. I'm particularly interested in natural language grounding.
When not trying to optimize to global minima of loss functions, I usually can be found performing gradient ascent in real life.
Research Intern
AI Resident
Software Engineering Intern
小飞机场 ssr
Software Engineering Intern
Software Engineering Intern
Ph.D. student in Computer Science & Engineering
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica - ITA
Vision, as a central component of human perception, plays a fundamental role in shaping natural language. To better understand how text models are connected to our visual perceptions, we propose a method for examining the similarities between neural representations extracted from words in text and objects in images. Our approach uses a lightweight probing model that learns to map language representations of concrete words to the visual domain. We find that representations from models trained on purely textual data, such as BERT, can be nontrivially mapped to those of a vision model. Such mappings generalize to object categories that were never seen by the probe during training, unlike mappings learned from permuted or random representations. Moreover, we find that the context surrounding objects in sentences greatly impacts performance. Finally, we show that humans significantly outperform all examined models, suggesting considerable room for improvement in representation learning and grounding.
SSR节点免费发放🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 ...:2021-12-5 · SSR节点免费 发放🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 @ssrList ... vpngfwmacvpssrrsurge小飞机场 免流量加速器 https://fanqiangdang.com 监制 💝广告合作: @zhibu Channel's geo & Language ...
Fine-tuning pretrained contextual word embedding models to supervised downstream tasks has become commonplace in natural language processing. This process, however, is often brittle: even with the same hyperparameter values, distinct random seeds can lead to substantially different results. To better understand this phenomenon, we experiment with four datasets from the GLUE benchmark, fine-tuning BERT hundreds of times on each while varying only the random seeds. We find substantial performance increases compared to previously reported results, and we quantify how the performance of the best-found model varies as a function of the number of fine-tuning trials. Further, we examine two factors influenced by the choice of random seed: weight initialization and training data order. We find that both contribute comparably to the variance of out-ofsample performance, and that some weight initializations perform well across all tasks explored. On small datasets, we observe that many finetuning trials diverge part of the way through training, and we offer best practices for practitioners to stop training less promising runs early. We publicly release all of our experimental data, including training and validation scores for 2,100 trials, to encourage further analysis of training dynamics during fine-tuning.
Systems that can associate images with their spoken audio captions are an important step towards visually grounded language learning. We describe a scalable method to automatically generate diverse audio for image captioning datasets. This supports pretraining deep networks for encoding both audio and images, which we do via a dual encoder that learns to align latent representations from both modalities. We show that a masked margin softmax loss for such models is superior to the standard triplet loss. We fine-tune these models on the Flickr8k Audio Captions Corpus and obtain state-of-the-art results---improving recall in the top 10 from 29.6% to 49.5%. We also obtain human ratings on retrieval outputs to better assess the impact of incidentally matching image-caption pairs that were not associated in the data, finding that automatic evaluation substantially underestimates the quality of the retrieved results.
In instruction conditioned navigation, agents interpret natural language and their surroundings to navigate through an environment. Datasets for studying this task typically contain pairs of these instructions and reference trajectories. Yet, most evaluation metrics used thus far fail to properly account for the latter, relying instead on insufficient similarity comparisons. We address fundamental flaws in previously used metrics and show how Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), a long known method of measuring similarity between two time series, can be used for evaluation of navigation agents. For such, we define the normalized Dynamic Time Warping (nDTW) metric, that softly penalizes deviations from the reference path, is naturally sensitive to the order of the nodes composing each path, is suited for both continuous and graph-based evaluations, and can be efficiently calculated. Further, we define SDTW, which constrains nDTW to only successful paths. We collect human similarity judgments for simulated paths and find nDTW correlates better with human rankings than all other metrics. We also demonstrate that using nDTW as a reward signal for Reinforcement Learning navigation agents improves their performance on both the Room-to-Room (R2R) and Room-for-Room (R4R) datasets. The R4R results in particular highlight the superiority of SDTW over previous success-constrained metrics.
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Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) tasks such as Room-to-Room (R2R) require machine agents to interpret natural language instructions and learn to act in visually realistic environments to achieve navigation goals. The overall task requires competence in several perception problems: successful agents combine spatio-temporal, vision and language understanding to produce appropriate action sequences. Our approach adapts pre-trained vision and language representations to relevant in-domain tasks making them more effective for VLN. Specifically, the representations are adapted to solve both a cross-modal sequence alignment and sequence coherence task. In the sequence alignment task, the model determines whether an instruction corresponds to a sequence of visual frames. In the sequence coherence task, the model determines whether the perceptual sequences are predictive sequentially in the instruction-conditioned latent space. By transferring the domain-adapted representations, we improve competitive agents in R2R as measured by the success rate weighted by path length (SPL) metric.
In a world where more than 70 million people rely on sign language to communicate, a system capable of recognizing and translating gestures to written or spoken language has great social impact. Despite rights claimed in recent decades, the deaf community still faces many challenges due to communication barriers. Gesture recognition, crucial for translation, is an active research topic in the computer vision and machine learning communities, and has been studied for decades. Among the most common approaches for this task, there are the electronic gloves with sensors, depth camera based approaches and simple camera based approaches. This last method has the advantage of completeness, since there are in many sign languages, including Brazilian Sign Language, which is the subject of this study, where other parts of the body such as the face and its expressions are needed to recognize some gestures. Additionally, it relies only on commonly found technologies, in contrast to the other approaches.
We present a state-of-the art approach, using a simple color camera for real-time static and continuous recognition of gestures from Brazilian Sign Language. For static recognition, we create a dataset with 33000 examples of 30 gestures; for continuous recognition, we create a dataset with 2000 videos containing phrases with 72 distinct gestures. Both datasets were built without restrictions with respect to clothing, background, lighting or distance between the camera and the user, commonly found in other studies. We propose end-to-end systems for each case using Deep Learning: for the former, a system based on a Deep Convolutional Residual Neural Network; for the latter, a hybrid architecture using Long-Short Term Memory Cells on top of convolutional layers. Our method shows state of the art accuraccy for both cases and is capable of running in real time on a GPU.
In a world where more than 70 million people rely on sign language to communicate, a system capable of recognizing and translating gestures to written or spoken language has great social impact. Despite rights claimed in recent decades, the deaf community still faces many challenges due to communication barriers. Gesture recognition, crucial for translation, is an active research topic in the computer vision and machine learning communities, and has been studied for decades. Among the most common approaches for this task, there are the electronic gloves with sensors, depth camera based approaches and simple camera based approaches. This last method has the advantage of completeness, since there are in many sign languages, including Brazilian Sign Language, which is the subject of this study, where other parts of the body such as the face and its expressions are needed to recognize some gestures. Additionally, it relies only on commonly found technologies, in contrast to the other approaches.
We present a state-of-the art approach, using a simple color camera for real-time static recognition of gestures from Brazilian Sign Language. We create a dataset with 33000 examples of 30 gestures, without restrictions with respect to clothing, background, lighting or distance between the camera and the user, commonly found in other studies. We propose an end-to-end system using Deep Convolutional Residual Neural Networks, without the need to rely on laboriously engineered pipelines and feature extraction steps, as opposed to traditional approaches. The proposed system shows robustness for the classification of the 30 gestures, obtaining a 99.83% accuracy on the test set. The system runs in real time (26.2 ms per frame), using a NVIDIA K80 GPU.
* indicates equal contribution.
ssr机场节点是什么? 免费高速稳定ssr机场推荐订阅-山西 ...:2021-12-14 · ssr机场节点是什么?免费高速稳定ssr机场推荐订阅 本文介绍SSR机场主要是为了学习科研以及外贸工作。请遵守中华人民共和国法律法规,切勿在任何地方发布分裂国家,激化民族矛盾的言论,不欢迎不爱国及极端人士。 SSR机场是什么意思?
Ultimately, it is desirable for AI systems not only to be able to understand and process multimodal - including visual, acoustic and symbolic - data, but to do so in a unified, coherent framework. Grounding natural language through multimodal tasks is an appealing research direction, which, thanks to recent advances in neural representations and learning, is taking the first steps in its renewed energetic infancy.
In a world where more than 70 million people rely on sign language to communicate, a system capable of recognizing and translating gestures to written or spoken language has great social impact. Despite rights claimed in recent decades, the deaf community still faces many challenges due to communication barriers. Gesture recognition, crucial for translation, is an active research topic in the computer vision and machine learning communities, and has been studied for decades. Among the most common approaches for this task, there are the electronic gloves with sensors, depth camera based approaches and simple camera based approaches. This last method has the advantage of completeness, since there are in many sign languages, including Brazilian Sign Language, which is the subject of this study, where other parts of the body such as the face and its expressions are needed to recognize some gestures. Additionally, it relies only on commonly found technologies, in contrast to the other approaches.
This project presents a state-of-the art approach, using a simple color camera for real-time static and continuous recognition of gestures from Brazilian Sign Language. For static recognition, we created a dataset with 33000 examples of 30 gestures; for continuous recognition, we create a dataset with 2000 videos containing phrases with 72 distinct gestures. Both datasets were built without restrictions with respect to clothing, background, lighting or distance between the camera and the user, commonly found in other studies. We propose end-to-end systems for each case using Deep Learning: for the former, a system based on a Deep Convolutional Residual Neural Network; for the latter, a hybrid architecture using Long-Short Term Memory Cells on top of convolutional layers. Our method shows state of the art accuraccy for both cases and is capable of running in real time on a GPU.
Open-source implementation of the paper Hiding Images in Plain Sight: Deep Steganography, by Shumeet Baluja (Google), at NIPS 2017. This project is part of the Global NIPS Paper Implementation Challenge. The implementation is available 小飞机场 ssr
Abstract: Steganography is the practice of concealing a secret message within another, ordinary, message. Commonly, steganography is used to unobtrusively hide a small message within the noisy regions of a larger image. In this study, we attempt to place a full size color image within another image of the same size. Deep neural networks are simultaneously trained to create the hiding and revealing processes and are designed to specifically work as a pair. The system is trained on images drawn randomly from the ImageNet database, and works well on natural images from a wide variety of sources. Beyond demonstrating the successful application of deep learning to hiding images, we carefully examine how the result is achieved and explore extensions. Unlike many popular steganographic methods that encode the secret message within the least significant bits of the carrier image, our approach compresses and distributes the secret image's representation across all of the available bits.
Winner of Deep Learning Hackathon by Cotidiano.
The implementation is available here.
Windows使用SSR接入节点 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-12-4 · Windows使用SSR接入节点 1.打开 ShadowsocksR 客户端,然后右键点击托盘栏的纸飞机图标,在「服务器」选项中选择「SSR 服务器订阅设置」 2.在弹出的窗口中,点击 Add 按钮,在右侧的输入框中粘贴节点订阅地址,然后勾选「自动更新」复选框,点击「确定」。
好用的ssr飞机场 - 好看123:1 天前 · 好用的ssr飞机场,最新免费ssr飞机场,全网最全ssr公益机场地址,免费ssr节点2021,高速稳定ssr机场推荐,免费ssr飞机场,1元机场ssr,免费公益机场ssr,obfs安卓插件下载,ssr免费订阅地址
Snap & Eat is a web application that tracks the user's food intake by pictures. We use state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to recognize dishes, making instant nutrition estimates from the user's meals.
The app also suggests meals based on the user's income, and is capable of showing places nearby that serve those dishes.
The system is implemented in Pytorch using fastai lib, relying on Jupyter Notebooks for prototyping purposes. For the web app, we use Flask and Node.js.
We use an Aggregated Residual Convolutional Neural Network - ResNeXt-101 with 101 layers, pretrained on ImageNet dataset. We finetune the model on Food-101 dataset, with more than 100 thousand images of 101 types of dishes. We achieve a significant improvement on accuracy (71% in our work compared to 50.1% in Bossard et al., 2014).
Project Quiros is a low-cost system created to improve communication for sign language users. It is designed to recognize specific sign language hand gestures and transform them into words (audio) and text. The project was developed with a total of R$600 (brazilian reais) - about U$150 (US dolars). The system uses flex sensors, contact sensors, an accelerometer and a gyro sensor to capture the position of the hand and sent it via bluetooth to an external device (such as a PC or a mobile device). After recognizing a gesture, the system displays the corresponding message in text and audio.
ssr有没有公益机场 推荐一个 - Douban:2021-6-13 · ssr 是啥? 删除 | 赞 回应 来自 豆瓣App … 2021-05-04 18:10:42 「该条回应已被删除」 「该条回应已被删除」 Berry草莓 小火箭 删除 | 赞 回应 来自 豆瓣App 己住校 ...
Real-time landmark detection using Viola-Jones algorithm for face detection and a convolutional neural network.
Project is publicaly available here.
Ubuntu安装v2ray - CRainyDay:2021-5-26 · v2ray免费账号分享。 飞机场分享。 1.简介 其实,v2ray是不区分客户端和服务端的。服务端与客户端的区别,只不过是config.json配置文件内容不一样。 v2ray与另一个科学上网工具Shadowsocks(r)相比更好一点,支持自定义协议,被办的风险小。具体可
During my internship at C.E.S.A.R., I worked in software and hardware for reading and processing data from the biosensor, using a LMP91000EVM and a SPIO-4 Digital Controller. The data gathered was then processed using a neural network from FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) library, generating an output corresponding to the diagnosis. I also worked on a graphic interface that allows the user to see the real-time data that is being read.
A big part of ITAbits is game developing, which we believe is an inspiring way to teach new programmers how to code. The organization also prepares students for Hackathons and programming contests, such as Brazilian OBI and ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, and provides introductory courses to programming.
Ubuntu安装v2ray - CRainyDay:2021-5-26 · v2ray免费账号分享。 飞机场分享。 1.简介 其实,v2ray是不区分客户端和服务端的。服务端与客户端的区别,只不过是config.json配置文件内容不一样。 v2ray与另一个科学上网工具Shadowsocks(r)相比更好一点,支持自定义协议,被办的风险小。具体可
From 2013 to 2015, I also worked on internal projects, primarily written in C++ and C# and taught introduction to programming, algorithms and data structures to freshman students.
A team of autonomous robots (about 7,5×7,5×7,5cm) for playing soccer in the IEEE Very Small Size category. The robots are remotely controlled by a computer, which processes the image of a video camera placed above the field and commands them.
Worked on the strategy and motion planing branches of the project.
RayTracer is an implementation of an image generator based on the Ray Tracing technique, in a simplified model of the world, containing only spheres, planes and triangles.
The code is publicaly available here.